Benjamin McKenzie theo.c.jpgOn February 22nd, we'll say goodbye to Seth, Summer, Ryan, Marissa (well, she's already dead), Sandy, Julie, Kirsten, Caitlin and my personal fave, Taylor, for good! Fox has announced that the season 4 finale next month will be the series finale! The show started out as an edgy, truthful bit of teen drama and a peek into the over-priviledged O.C. lifestyle, but turned soapy pretty quickly with all the fights, the hook-ups, the break-ups, the O.D.s, the marriages, the divorces, the deaths, the arrests, the infidelities, the alcohol, the pregnancies and mostly, the Marissa-in-danger moments. Still, it remained one of TV's guiltiest pleasures (esp. for any storyline involving the fabulous Julie Cooper) for four years, and it will be missed!