Keanu Reeves keanuupdate.jpgPap Gets NO $$$, Jury Says Reeves Not Negligent In Pap's Claim Actor Ran Over Snapper's Foot -- Jury Unanimous

Paparazzo Alison Silva claims Reeves hit the him with the actor's Porsche in 2007. He was suing the actor for damages in civil court.

Last Wednesday, Silva testified that he was a fan of the actor's work. He described the incident and broke down into tears when explaining his injuries. The photographer claims he has not been able to work since the incident and owes thousands in medical bills.

Attorneys for Reeves claim Silva repeatedly changed the details of his story following the incident.

Keanu Reeves testified on Tuesday that Silva "slapped" his car, but contends that he did not hit the paparazzo.

So much for that $711,974 Silva asked for!

In a statement to the press after the verdict was read, Silva said the jury's decision is "what I have to live with."

He also claimed he will continue to be a paparazzo, and despite the trial, he has no ill will towards Keanu. "I wish Keanu happiness in his life," Silva told the X17online reporter at the scene.

Check out video of Keanu returning home from the trial below: