

Lindsay Lohan lindsayflour3.jpgThe flour-bearer

Uh oh! Looks like Lindsay Lohan came into contact with some white powder earlier tonight, but not the kind you go to Promises for!

PETA released a statement about the incident, and it looks like an angry anti-fur activist yelled "Lindsay Lohan - fur hag!" and dumped an entire bag of flour on Lindsay's head as she made her way into the VIP Room on the Champs-Elysees around 1am on Saturday! Yikes! Lindsay's publicist confirmed to X17online that the incident happened, but wouldn't comment further.

PETA Europe's Robbie LeBlanc said, "Lindsay Lohan might be able to ignore images of bloody animals skinned alive for their pelts, but we hope a dash of flour will help her rise to the occasion and forsake fur once and for all."

Stay tuned ... we'll have XCLUSIVE video coming soon!!!