Lindsay Lohan


Ahhh, Lindsay! So good to share the island with you at the New Year!

When I spotted Linds yesterday in the port town of Gustavia, she arrived in a whirlwind of hangers-on, breezed into Calypso and Roberto Cavalli and sat down for a quick drink and a smoke with "friends."

Lindsay Lohan

The poor girl's staying on a luxurious yacht but endured a almost-maelstrom the first 24 hours she was here. But the weather has calmed and she's chilling on board right now, probably nursing her New Year's hangover :)

Oh, and did you see in the pix that Ali's here too? She ducked for cover when we tried to get a shot. Girl, you've said a million times you wanna be famous like your big sis -- give it up, already!

I hope the girls had a rockin' New Year's Eve last night at Nikki Beach -- Happy Near Year, Lohan girls!