katvondlax020711_01_X17230WM.jpgKat Von D isn't holding back any of her feelings when it comes to her breakup with ex fiance Jesse James ... and her Good Day L.A. debacle yesterday morning when she walked out of a planned interview. She's letting it all come out on Facebook.

The LA Ink star wrote:

    “In my relationship I never before felt as solid and strong— even though the world said different by all the criticism. Lost a lot of friends, and even caused turmoil within some of my family members ... Some fans even changed their perception of who they thought I was ... never planned on walking away from this relationship, let alone the timing of things.”

As for her walking out of a scheduled interview on Fox 11's Good Day L.A., Kat adds:

    “Most of the time I’m good at rolling with the punches when things don’t go ‘as planned,’ ” Kat wrote of her actions yesterday on the morning program. “But somehow, I allowed today to get the best of me. As much as I’d like to picture me being this strong, independent woman, the truth is most of the time I’m not as strong as I’d like to be — but I’m still trying.”

Read what Jeff Michael, anchor for Fox 11, had to say about the incident ... after the jump.