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He's not even a year old and already he's hitting all the L.A. hot spots!

Kristin Cavallari brought her adorable son Camden to lunch with her at Lemonade in Beverly Hills yesterday, and the Hills alum really seems to have this motherhood thing down!

The reality star has lost all the baby weight, and decided to show off her hot body in skinny jeans and heels. Toting around a toddler in stilettos is no easy task, either!

K-Cav has received some criticism on Twitter about how quickly she shed the pregnancy pounds after giving birth, but she's hitting back at her haters in typical mean girl style!

"So maybe people should stop judging. U don't know how much I eat or what I weigh so zip it," she tweeted in response to the online bullying.

"Off to dinner with my fav ladies @CharCharr @britfield1 @chelseabulte. Hope they don't feed me too much!!! Need to stay SKINNNNY," she added as a joke.

We love that she never takes herself too seriously!