Heidi Pratt is speaking out yet again about her reputation as a plastic surgery queen, and in a shockingly honest interview with Extra, the reality stay says she regrets all of it and won't go under the knife again.

Back in 2009 Heidi famously underwent ten surgeries in one day, and she spent over $30,000 on the various procedures, including a second breast augmentation, a nose job revision, lipo on her stomach and getting her ears pinned back. So why did she do it? Heidi told the show, "I disliked myself so much. I literally chopped up my own body."

She added that she didn't know what she was getting herself into, and her biggest regret is “getting my chin reduced, because I have TMJ now and my jaw hurts. I don’t think people do tell you the trauma of what you’re going to heal from. I was in so much pain, I actually thought I was going to die." When asked about undergoing a breast reduction last year, Heidi explained, “My implants were falling through. They were three pounds each so I was really miserable. Obviously, I didn’t want to go back into surgery, but it was really necessary.”

Pratt was somber when she looked at photos of herself as a teen. “Sometimes it makes me a little sad because I see not only what I look like, but who I was.” Sigh. If only she could take it all back, because we thought she looked fine before she had anything done.

Heidi concluded that she will never get work done again. “I’m just done with all of it," she said. "I’m going to age gracefully and bow out.”