We already heard Madonna's thoughts on Kanye West (in case you missed it, she proclaimed that the rapper is the "black Madonna"), and the 56-year-old queen of pop also spilled some interesting secrets about her love life in her recent interview with the New York Daily News.

When talking about her new album Rebel Heart, Madonna said, "There's a lot of reminiscing on this album. I've been doing what I've been doing for over three decades, so in many ways I feel like a survivor. I see that many of my peers, and friends, and people I collaborated with are no longer with us. That gave me pause. I said, ‘Wow, I can’t believe I made it this far.’ That was a catalyst for me."

Madonna started writing the songs after she had "just broken up with somebody," and she doesn't mention him by name, but she's clearly talking about dancer Brahim Zaibat. Zaibat is 30 years younger than the pop star, but seeing as Madge has been a cougar for quite some time now, that's not so surprising. The singer famously romanced Alex Rodriguez, now 39, and Jesus Luz, now 28, and when asked about dating younger dudes she said:
    "Most men my age are married with children. They’re not datable. I’m a very adventurous person and I also have a crazy life. I’m a single mother. I have four children. I mean, you have to be pretty open-minded and adventurous to want to step into my world. People who are older, and more set in their ways, are probably not as adventurous as someone younger."

"People have always judged me, and given me sh*t about one thing or another," she added. "Now they’re giving me sh*t about age." Are we though? Seems like we're giving her more sh*t about her choices in men and her wardrobe...