Someone needs to take a chill pill!

Dennis Quaid has joined the ranks of Mel Gibson and Christian Bale after suffering an epic meltdown on the set of his latest movie, and we're dying to know what exactly happened to make him so furious. The above cell phone video captures his whole rant, and we bet the 61-star-old star wishes he had kept his cool!

"I am acting here, and this d***head wanders onto my set. I can't even get a line out until Dopey the Dick starts whispering in your ear, and you're not even watching anymore," he screams, before calling the crew unprofessional zombies and p*ssies. Yikes!

"Don’t f**king ‘Dennis’ me.' I am doing my job here. I am a pro! This is the most unprofessional set I have ever been on!” he continued. His parting shot? "Blow me!" he yells as he storms off.

This is too good! We love when grown adults throw tantrums!