They have their differences -- black/white, musician/former athlete, young/old, wealthy/not-so-much, Yeezys/SAS sandals -- but in-laws Kanye West and Caitlyn Jenner have Donald Trump in common.

As much as you might not think these two very different demographics could support the same presidential candidate (now president-elect), both Kanye and Caitlyn have thrown their support behind Trump.

Kanye announced at his Thursday-night San Jose Saint Pablo concert that he DIDN'T vote, but that if he had, he would have voted Trump. Caitlyn, as we've known for quite some time, is a die-hard Republican who thinks Hillary would have been bad for transgender rights and that Donald was her man.

Well, seems these two have one thing in common ... a low IQ!

Check out both of them avoiding questions about their political preference: