No one ever said being a single mom was easy ... especially with six kids!

Angelina Jolie did her best to keep her rainbow tribe of children together at LAX over the weekend. Daughter Zahara held her hand, looping in the little ones as the family crossed the street to their waiting car. Pax kept his earphones one, Maddox dragged behind, Shiloh hid under her hoodie and cap and the twins kept close to mom.

Meanwhile, the mother-of-six is facing a potential legal issue over her adoption of son Maddox from Cambodia in 2003. Cambodian aid worker Mounh Sarath (right) claims the documentation Jolie used to adopt her eldest son, now 15, was falsified. He says he signed papers claiming to be Maddox's father in order to speed up the adoption process. He also says he still has power of attorney over the boy: "Maddox is still my son. She never cleared this up. She had to change his name, so the only way was for me to do it. I said he's my son ... I would be happy if Cambodia didn't see her again," he told The Sun on Sunday.