All this back and forth is making us so confused!

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are giving their marriage yet another chance and have decided to put off the divorce for now, People reports. A report from mid-February claimed the actress had finally decided to file court papers to dissolve their union, so something must have changed in the past month.

"Jen has called off the divorce. She really wants to work things out with Ben. They are giving things another try," a source dished to the mag. "There is always a chance of reconciliation. They love each other. They also really, really love their kids, and those kids love their parents," the source added.

Could her change of heart be due to the fact her Oscar winning hubby is finally working on his issues and getting sober?

The Batman star has been spotted out on numerous occasions with a female "sober coach," but we haven't seen much of him lately, leading us to wonder if he could secretly be in rehab.

We feel like this cat and mouse game can only go on so long, but the brunette beauty seems unable to pull the plug!