At this point, we've heard it all!

Ashley Judd sat down with Diane Sawyer to tell her story on GMA about being sexually harassed by Harvey Weinstein, and the actress actually said she loved the disgraced studio boss during the sit-down! Wait, what?! We'll explain...

Judd said that Weinstein invited her to a business meeting, and when she arrived at the hotel, she was told the meeting would take place in Weinstein's room. As soon as they sat down, Harvey asked her if she wanted to watch him shower, and suggested that they give each other massages.

"I had no warning. I had a business appointment. That’s his pattern of sexual predation. Finally, I just said when I win an Oscar in one of your movies, okay?" the brunette beauty explained of how she weaseled her way out of the uncomfortable situation.

Weinstein didn't forget the agreement she made with him, and brought it up years later when they ran into each other at an event.

"He said, ‘You know, Ashley, I’m going to let you out of that agreement we made.' I said, ‘You do that, Harvey. You do that,’” she recalled.

The star has a message for Weinstein, and it's not what we expected it to be.

"I love you, and I understand that you are sick and suffering, and there is help for a guy like you, too. And it’s entirely up to you to get that help," she shared when asked what she would say to him if she ran into him today.

Good for her!