Thalia THALIA111406_02.jpgSinger, K-Mart clothing designer and telenovela actress Thalia was in Miami yesterday, shooting her new video. Her husband, former Sony Music Chief (and Mariah Carey's ex) Tommy Mottola was there to lend his super-star wife some support. Tommy's known in the biz to be as ferocious as a bull-dog (and rumored to have been one of the many reasons behind Mariah Carey's breakdown, but that's another discussion) but with Thalia, he looks positively kittenish! Could the love of this sexy Latina have mellowed Tommy out? Or is it just old age?

I am by no means a native Spanish speaker, but after several semesters of Spanish, I figured I'd give it the old "college try" for all our Spanish-speaking fans! (Please bear with me on the many mistakes!)

Para la gente en el mundo Latino:

Thalia estaba en Miami, grabando su nuevo Music Video ayer. Su esposo, el jefe anterior de Sony Music (y el ex-esposo de Mariah Carey) estaba alli tambien para dar apoyo a su esposa! Tommy tiene una reputacion muy fuerte (dicen que el fue uno de muchos razones que Mariah Carey se fue loca), pero con Thalia, parece como un gatito! Es de amor? O simplemente la edad?