Amanda Bynes Says She's Homeless And Broke, Still Hates Her Parents
Posted on Fri Nov 7th, 2014 7:50am PDT By X17 Staff

While it was reported the other day that Rick and Lynn Bynes are set to transfer Amanda's conservatorship to a mental health professional over the next few days, the 28-year-old actress has taken to her Twitter account to slam her parents for essentially leaving her on the streets.
On November 4 Bynes wrote, "I'm so mad at my parents. They are with holding my belongings and money from me so I don't have new clothes or enough money to rent an apartment. We aren't speaking. So until I get a different conservator ill look terrible because I don't have enough to get new clothes or anything I need...I look awful."
But her hair and clothes are actually the least of her concerns, because Bynes seemingly has such a shortage of funds, she can't even afford a place to stay! Yesterday Bynes wrote:
- "I was not given money for a hotel so i have been staying with friends and i didn't get enough sleep last night so I fell asleep on a couch @ the beverly center and a paparazzi snuck in and took pictures of me FYI! I hate my parents for still not giving me money for a hotel ... What is wrong with them? My lawyer is working to have them fully removed from being my conservator, because they don't deserve control over ... my money - They are miserable in their life and I will fight to get control of my finances taken away from them!"
Photos of Bynes sleeping on a couch at the Beverly Center mall in West Hollywood hit the web on Thursday, and after the starlet tweeted about the incident, D-lister Heidi Montag randomly replied, "@amandabynes you are more then welcome to crash in our guest house in Santa Barbara if you need somewhere to stay! DM me!"
Hopefully this all gets worked out...